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First Edition | February 2022
Letter from SkIN Canada’s Managing Director
Dr. An-Wen Chan
I am excited to present the inaugural SkIN Canada Newsletter. With support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, the launch of SkIN Canada provides an unprecedented opportunity to catalyze collaborative research across the country for the benefit of people living with skin conditions. SkIN Canada has three main goals: a) develop national infrastructure to advance multicentre skin research; b) foster new collaborations between patients, researchers, and clinicians at academic and community sites; and c) grow the skin research community. We recognize the value of open science and engaging patients to achieve these goals, and have ensured that the patient voice is integrated throughout all our activities.
Since the network’s launch, we have undertaken several projects to actualize these aims in collaboration with over 450 researchers, patients, clinicians, and trainees who have generously contributed their time and effort. Our landmark Priority Setting Initiative is establishing the most important research topics for nine common skin conditions in Canada. We are developing national infrastructure – including a directory of research expertise, database development support services, and a Master Network Agreement – to lower the barriers to initiating multicentre studies. We have also hosted multiple training events on career development and patient engagement for students and early career investigators.
We intend to make this newsletter more than just a regular update on SkIN Canada’s activities. We will showcase the profiles of early career investigators and patient research partners. Further, we will promote the successes of Canadian skin researchers and highlight opportunities to collaborate.
This is only the beginning of our efforts to catalyze collaborative skin research in Canada, as we endeavour to engage a diverse and powerful community. In the coming months we will be launching a call for Team Development Grant proposals; join our mailing list to stay informed. We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in SkIN Canada, and encourage you to share this newsletter widely. The more eyes it reaches, the more powerful a tool it can become.
An-Wen Chan
Managing Director
SkIN Canada
Community Contributor
Rachael Manion is the Executive Director of the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance and the Canadian Association of Psoriasis Patients. She is also Chair of the Patient Advisory Council of the Skin Investigation Network of Canada (SkIN Canada) and a member of the Executive Committee. Drawing on her background as a lawyer and consultant, Rachael brings a strategic and creative approach to advocating for better patient care ………..
Early Career Investigator
Dr. Elena Netchiporouk obtained her medical degree from the Université de Montréal in 2012 and her Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada certified training in dermatology from McGill University in 2017. During her dermatology residency, she also completed a 3-year Master’s program in Experimental Medicine at McGill University. As a clinician scientist, she focuses her research on understanding the interaction between environment and ….
Priority Setting Initiative
SkIN Canada has been conducting a multi-phase project to identify the most important skin research questions for people living in Canada.
Catalyzing Multicentre Skin Research

Training and Education Initiatives
Inspiring the future of skin research with talent development & education. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinvented the way we exchange knowledge, offering unique and equitable opportunities to connect virtually and educate skin researchers and patients across Canada. LEARN MORE

SkIN Canada has partnered with two research projects to guide the creation of the network’s free Database Support Services.
Canadian Network of Skin Trials (C-NeST) – Pilot Projects
To help establish a framework for coordinating multi-centre skin studies involving community and academic research sites, the clinical trials arm of SkIN Canada initiated two pilot non-interventional research projects.
CAPP – CIHR-IMHA Studentships in Psoriatic Disease
The CAPP – CIHR-IMHA Studentships in Psoriatic Disease provide undergraduate and health professional students with opportunities to undertake research projects related to psoriatic diseases with established investigators in an environment that provides strong mentorship.  We encourage applications from across Canada by April11, 2022. The Canadian Association of Psoriasis Patients (CAPP) was formed in 2012 to serve people impacted by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. CAPP’s mission is to be a resource to these people by improving their quality of life, raising awareness, providing education, advocating for better access to care and treatments, and supporting research.
New CIHR-IMHA Funding Opportunities, including partnership with Canadian Dermatology Foundation
The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) funds health research in order to develop and support a well-trained base of investigators with the skills and expertise needed to design and conduct innovative and diverse research and knowledge translation activities aimed at improving health.Healthcare providers decision needs and preferences on medication use during lactation
If you are a healthcare provider, we would like to hear your perspectives on medication use during infant feeding.
Patient research partners have recently written about tokenism in research partnerships with patients
– and most importantly, what can be done to address it. Learn more about how to meaningfully include patients and patient organizations as research partners.
Applications are now being accepted for PeDRA’s 2022 Research Fellowship program
The program will provide $20,000 of support to as many as eight trainees or students to conduct one year of mentored research in the field of pediatric dermatology. Applications are due March 31, 2022 for fellowships beginning on July 1, 2022. For additional information, including eligibility criteria and instructions on how to apply, please see the Research Fellowship RFA.
SkIN Canada Executive Committee

An-Wen Chan

Rachael Manion

Anie Philip