SkIN Canada



Latest news and announcements

2023 Team Development Awards


The call for proposals for the 2023 Team Development Awards has been launched.

Application deadline:
May 1, 2023

2023 Trainee Awards

SkIN Canada is offering Travel awards and Mobility awards for trainees to present their work at a conference or visit another lab.

Application deadlines:
May 15 and October 15 every year

Master Network Agreement

SkIN Canada has launched a Master Network Membership Agreement that defines terms for data sharing, data banking, and publication. This comprehensive agreement has been developed in consultation with institutional contracts offices. It allows SkIN Canada members from academic and community sites to exchange data for future studies without needing to re-negotiate a data sharing agreement with every new study. The Master Agreement will help to mitigate the start-up delays that are commonly encountered with multicentre projects. 

Email to sign up or obtain more information.


Dr. Lucie Germain

Dr. Lucie Germain (chirurgie et génie tissulaire, Université Laval) was awarded the Prix Acfas Léo-Pariseau in biological and health sciences.
Sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Dr. Philipe Lefrançois

Dr. Lefrançois (Lady Davis Institute, McGill University and Jewish General Hospital) was one of four early career researchers awarded the inaugural 2022 Clinician-Scientist Award funded by the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network.
Understanding the genomic and cellular landscapes of advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC) 

Dr. Jorge-Ryan Georgakopoulos

Dr. Georgakopoulos (University of Toronto) and his supervisor Dr. An-Wen Chan received a resident operating grant from the PSI Foundation for the multicentre SkIN Canada project entitled ‘Follow-up of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (FOCS): A Multicentre Retrospective Cohort Study.

Want to publicize an award or honour in a future SkIN Canada bulletin?
Email with the details.

New publications by members

News from other organizations

Training opportunities in science communication

CIHR is offering several training opportunities in science communication.


  • Free of charge for participants
  • Available to health researchers across Canada.
  • Career stages ranging from graduate students to senior researchers.
  • Offered as webinars, either using Zoom or MS Teams.

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SkIN Canada
Research Map

A publicly accessible web database containing information on skin researchers in Canada

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SkIN Canada

Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville St, Suite 6416

TorontoON M5S 1B2
