SkIN Canada


MAY 2023

Latest news and announcements

2023 SkIN Canada Quarterly Webinar

The SkIN Canada Training Committee would like to announce that the SkIN Canada Quarterly Webinar will be held on Wednesday June 7th 2023 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET.  The webinar will focus on “Novel Technologies to Study Skin Biology and Skin Diseases.” The webinar is open to all trainees and members of SkIN Canada.

Dr, Philippe Lefrancois, Assistant Professor, Division of Experimental Medicine, McGill University.
Webinar Title: Tips & considerations to incorporate genomics into your skin research projects.

Dr. David Croitoru, Clinical Associate, Division of Dermatology, University of Toronto.
Webinar Title: Translational Research in Rare Disease.

Dr. Amani Hassan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Surgery, McGill University.
Webinar Title: Establishment of tumor organoids from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma to study dysregulation of signaling pathways and response to therapy.

SkIN Canada at CDA 

SkIN Canada is offering Travel awards and Mobility awards for trainees to present their work at a conference or visit another lab.

We are excited to invite you to two events during the Canadian Dermatology Association Annual Meeting in Toronto:

1. Networking dinner on Thursday, June 15 from 6:30-9:30 pm ET.
Venue: Ki Modern Japenese + Bar

2. Afternoon tea (AGM and discussion of future directions) on Saturday, June 16th from 3:30-4:30 pm ET Venue: Westin Harbour Castle Hotel

We will also have a booth in the conference exhibit hall – please drop by!

Master Network Agreement

SkIN Canada has launched a Master Network Membership Agreement that defines terms for data sharing, data banking, and publication. This comprehensive agreement has been developed in consultation with institutional contracts offices. It allows SkIN Canada members from academic and community sites to exchange data for future studies without needing to re-negotiate a data sharing agreement with every new study. The Master Agreement will help to mitigate the start-up delays that are commonly encountered with multicentre projects. 

Email to sign up or obtain more information.

From the SkIN Canada Training Committee Hub

Application deadlines:
May 15 and October 15 every year

Position Open

The SkIN Canada Training Committee is working on expanding the committee and is seeking a junior Faculty (within 10 years of University appointment at a Canadian University) to join the committee. The committee typically meets once a month and is responsible for the training and educational outreach of SkIN Canada. Please consider serving on this Committee for a rewarding experience. For more information, please contact SkIN Canada at

From the SkIN Canada Patient Engagement Hub

In this series, Methods in Patient Engagement, we explore participatory approaches found in the Centre for Healthcare Innovation’s Guide to Engagement Methods and share some examples and insights. If you’re not already familiar with our Guide to Engagement Methods (found on our Resources page), read the how-to blog here. In this post, we discuss discussion (and focus) groups — what they are, how they differ, some steps for planning, and tips/things to remember.

News from other organizations

In this series, Methods in Patient Engagement, we explore participatory approaches found in the Centre for Healthcare Innovation’s Guide to Engagement Methods and share some examples and insights. If you’re not already familiar with our Guide to Engagement Methods (found on our Resources page), read the how-to blog here. In this post, we discuss discussion (and focus) groups — what they are, how they differ, some steps for planning, and tips/things to remember.

New publications by SkIN Canada members

Inflammatory Skin Conditions

  • Alsenaid, A., Piguet, V., Lansang, P., Miller-Monthrope, Y., Yeung, J., & Joseph, M. (2023). Brodalumab-Induced Eczematous Reactions in Psoriasis Patients: Management With Switching to Risankizumab. J Cutan Med Surg, 12034754231167140. 
  • Blauvelt, A., Lebwohl, M., Langley, R. G., Rowland, K., Yang, Y. W., Chan, D., Miller, M., You, Y., Yu, J., Thaҫi, D., Foley, P., & Papp, K. A. (2023). Malignancy Rates Through 5 Years of Follow-up in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis Treated With Guselkumab: Pooled Results From the VOYAGE 1 and VOYAGE 2 Trials. J Am Acad Dermatol.
  • Drucker, A. M., Kleiner, O., Manion, R., Philip, A., Dutz, J., Barnard, K., Fradette, J.,
    Germain, L., Gniadecki, R., Litvinov, I., Logsetty, S., Manolson, M., Mydlarski, P. R., Piguet, V., Ward, D., Zhou, Y., Chan, A. W., & Skin Investigation Network of Canada Priority Setting, C. (2023). Top Ten Research Priorities for Psoriasis, Atopic Dermatitis and Hidradenitis Suppurativa: The SkIN Canada Priority Setting Initiative. J Cutan Med Surg, 27(2), 133-139.
  • Finstad, A., Glockler-Lauf, S. D., Almuhanna, N., Saskin, R., & Alhusayen, R. (2023). Investigating the risk of malignancy in elderly patients with psoriasis: A population-based retrospective matched cohort study. J Am Acad Dermatol, 88(5), 1129-1131.
  • McMullen, E. P., Syed, S. A., Espiritu, K. D., Grewal, R. S., Elder, G. A., Morita, P. P., & Drucker, A. M. (2023). The Therapeutic Applications of Machine Learning in Atopic Dermatitis: A Scoping Review. J Cutan Med Surg, 12034754231168846.


Wound Healing, Fibrosis and Regeneration

  • Brady, E. L., Prado, O., Johansson, F., Mitchell, S. N., Martinson, A. M., Karbassi, E., Reinecke, H., Murry, C. E., Davis, J., & Stevens, K. R. (2023). Engineered tissue vascularization and engraftment depends on host model. Sci Rep, 13(1), 1973.
  • Chogan, F., Chen, Y., Wood, F., & Jeschke, M. G. (2023). Skin Tissue Engineering Advances in Burns: A Brief Introduction to the Past, the Present, and the Future Potential. J Burn Care Res, 44(Supplement_1), S1-s4.
  • Dagher, J., Arcand, C., Auger, F. A., Germain, L., & Moulin, V. J. (2023). The Self-Assembled Skin Substitute History: Successes, Challenges, and Current Treatment Indications. J Burn Care Res, 44(Supplement_1), S57-s64.
  • Naasani, L. I. S., Sévigny, J., Moulin, V. J., & Wink, M. R. (2023). UTP increases wound healing in the self assembled skin substitute (SASS). J Cell Commun Signal.
  • Sibbald, R. G., & Ayello, E. (2023). Results of the 2022 Wound Survey on Skin Failure/End-of-Life Terminology and Pressure Injuries. Adv Skin Wound Care, 36(3), 151-157. 

Skin Cancer

  • Gniadecki, R., & Paron, E. (2023). Chlormethine Gel for the Treatment of Mycosis Fungoides (Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma) in Canada. Skin Therapy Lett, 28(2), 1-5.
  • Ibrahim, L. S., Venables, Z. C., McPhail, S., & Levell, N. J. (2023). Missing melanomas in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: 2,485 fewer melanoma diagnoses in 2020 than in 2019. Br J Dermatol.
  • Nguyen, A., Xie, P., Litvinov, I. V., & Lefrançois, P. (2023). Efficacy and Safety of Sonic Hedgehog Inhibitors in Basal Cell Carcinomas: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (2009-2022). Am J Clin Dermatol.
  • Touyz, S. J., Ghazawi, F. M., Netchiporouk, E., Popradi, G., Michel, R. P., Skamene, S., Lambert, C., Hijal, T., & Litvinov, I. V. (2023). Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma developing in surgical scars post cardiac surgery: A case study. SAGE Open Med Case Rep, 11, 2050313X231161444.
  • van Bodegraven, B., Vernon, S., Eversfield, C., Board, R., Craig, P., Gran, S., Harwood, C. A., Keohane, S., Levell, N. J., Matin, R. N., Proby, C., Rajan, N., Rous, B., Ascott, A., Millington, G. W. M., & Venables, Z. C. (2023). “Get Data Out” Skin: national cancer registry incidence and survival rates for all registered skin tumour groups for 2013-2019 in England. Br J Dermatol. 


  • Azar, M., Lagace, F., Muntyanu, A., Netchiporouk, E., Zhou, Y., Lynde, C., Moreau, L., Mathieu, S., Sasseville, D., Asiniwasis, R., Shear, N. H., Gniadecki, R., Rahme, E., & Litvinov, I. V. (2023). Measuring h-index and scholarly productivity in academic dermatology in Canada. Scientometrics, 128(2), 1071-1090.
  • Barolet, A. C., Villarreal, A. M., Jfri, A., Litvinov, I. V., & Barolet, D. (2023). Low-Intensity Visible and Near-Infrared Light-Induced Cell Signaling Pathways in the Skin: A Comprehensive Review. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg, 41(4), 147-166. 
  • Espinasse, A., Solovyeva, O., Dimairo, M., Weir, C., Jaki, T., Mander, A., Kightley, A., Evans, J., Lee, S., Bedding, A., Hopewell, S., Rantell, K., Liu, R., Chan, A. W., De Bono, J., & Yap, C. (2023). SPIRIT and CONSORT extensions for early phase dose-finding clinical trials: the DEFINE (DosE-FIndiNg Extensions) study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(3), e068173. 
  • Haykal, S., Juvet, S., Chan, A. W., O’Neill, A., Pal, P., Cypel, M., & Keshavjee, S. (2023). Assessment of Acute Rejection in a Lung Transplant Recipient Using a Sentinel Skin Flap. Transpl Int, 36, 11166. 
  • Wibbenmeyer, L., Lacey, A. M., Endorf, F. W., Logsetty, S., Wagner, A. L. L., Gibson, A. L. F., & Nygaard, R. M. (2023). American Burn Association Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Treatment of Severe Frostbite. J Burn Care Res.

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SkIN Canada

Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville St, Suite 6416

TorontoON M5S 1B2
