SkIN Canada Research Map

A publicly accessible web database of skin researchers and expertise in Canada.
TitleInvestigatorAffiliationPrimary departmentCity, ProvinceDegrees/ Clinical specialty (MD)Research pillar/sFields of researchSkin conditions studiedMethodological expertise
Dr.Alhusayen, Raed
Full profile
Sunnybrook Research Institute - University of TorontoDivision of Dermatology, Department of MedicineToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology),
Master's (Clinical Epidemiology)
•Health system services
•Population health
Comorbidities with skin disorders, Burden of skin disease•Hidradenitis Suppurativa
•Cutaneous Lymphomas
•Autoimmune Bullous disorders (pemphigus, pemphigoid)
Observational Studies, Disease Registries, Population based / Administrative database research, Health Policy, Validation of clinical tools and diagnostic codes, Clinical Trials.
Dr.Asiniwasis, Rachel
(306) 570-8171
University of SaskatchewanDermatologyRegina, SaskatchewanMD
Master's (Master's of Science in Health Sciences, Clinical and Translational Research)
• Clinical
• Health system services
• Population health
Inflammatory skin disease, skin infections, Indigenous health, medical education, EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion), translational research, underserviced areas, rural health, interdisciplinary care, clinical trialsAtopic dermatitis/eczema, psoriasis, skin infections, Indigenous dermatology
Dr.Beleznay, Katie
Full profile
(604) 916-4179
University of British ColumbiaDermatology and Skin ScienceVancouver, British ColumbiaMD•Clinical•Cosmetic Dermatology
•Filler Complications
Cosmetic Dermatology, Filler Complications, Safety with Cosmetic Procedures.
Dr.Berthod, François
Full profile
(418) 525-4444
Université LavalLOEX, CHU de Quebec-Université Laval research centerQuébec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalTissue engineering, dermatology, neurosciences•Psoriasis
•Diabetic ulcers
In vitro disease modeling using patient-derived cells (psoriasis, diabetic ulcers, rosacea, etc.)
Prof.Biernaskie, Jeff
Full profile
(403) 210-7306
University of CalgaryComparative Biology and Experimental MedicineCalgary, AlbertaPhD•Basic biomedicalSkin regeneration, scar, fibrosis, wound healing, nerve regeneration, fibroblast-immune cell interaction•Burns
•Wound healing
Single cell genomics, high resolution microscopy, cell culture and small and large animal models of wound healing.
Prof. Bozec, Laurent
Full profile
(143) 792-9656
University of TorontoFaculty of DentistryToronto, OntarioPhD•Basic biomedicalQuantitative Nanohistology of skin and associated disorders, Advanced microsocopy of the skin•Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
•Scleroderma, Aging
Atomic Force Microscopy, Collagen, Tissue remodeling, Biomechanics of the skin, Glycation, Multivariate analysis
Prof.Brambilla, Davide
Full profile
(514) 343-6117
Université de MontrèalFaculty of PharmacyMontreal, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalDrug formulation, Transdermal, microtechnology, nanotechnology, Minimally invasive diagnostic, microneedles, medical tattoos•Inflammation
My laboratory works at the interface of medicine, pharmacy and materials science with the main objective of improving drug efficacy, and patient compliance as well as develop innovative minimally invasive diagnostic devices. More in particular my research interests include the design of polymeric microneedles for the non-invasive transdermal delivery of on-purpose designed diagnostic and therapeutic agents as well as new nanoparticulate and bio-conjugates platforms for the targeted delivery of biotherapeutic agents. My laboratory possess key knowledge for design of new devices as well as for their evaluation both in vitro and in vivo.
Dr.Champion, Caitlin
NOSM UniversityDepartment of SurgeryParry Sound, OntarioMD (General Surgery)
Master's (Health Systems)
•Health system services
Prof.Chan, An-Wen
Full profile
Women's College Research Institute, University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioPhD, MD (Dermatology)•Clinical
•Health system services
•Population health
Risk factors, prevention and management of skin cancer in high-risk populations•Squamous cell carcinoma
•Basal cell carcinoma
•Keratinocyte carcinoma
Epidemiology, clinical trials, health services research, systematic reviews, reporting guidelines, research quality.
Dr.Cheung, Winson
Full profile
University of CalgaryOncologyCalgary, AlbertaPhD
Master's (Public Health)
• Health system services
• Population health
health services research; real world evidence; real world dataskin cancershealth services research; real world evidence; real world data; big data
Dr.Croitoru, David University of TorontoToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology)
Master's (Immunology)
• Basic biomedical
• Clinical
Translational and Bio-banking• Neutrophilic Dermatoses,
• Pyoderma Gangrenosum,
• Hidradenitis Suppurativa,
• Wound Healing,
• Paradoxical Psoriasis, • Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease
Dr.Dagnino, Lina
Full profile
(519) 661-4264
Western UniversityPhysiology and PharmacologyLondon, OntarioPhD
Master's (Medicinal Chemistry)
• Basic biomedicalEpidermal biology, development, regeneration and transformation, epidermal stem cell biology•Wound healing
•keratinocyte carcinoma
•epidermal development
Mouse models, cell biology, molecular biology, organotypic cultures, wound healing, primary cell models
Dr. Del Rincon, Sonia
(514) 340-8222
Lady Davis Institute-McGill UniversityOncologyMontreal, QuebecPhD (Basic biomedical)• Basic biomedicalTumor microenvironment (melanoma), Immune related adverse events associated with immunotherapy, highly multiplexed imaging/spatial biology• melanoma
• skin pathologies associated with immunotherapy
Pre-clinical mouse modelling of melanoma
Highly multiplexed imaging/spatial biology - using PhenoCycler Fusion system
Dr. Derek Chu
Full profile
(905) 212-2100
McMaster UniversityDepartment of Medicine (Clinical Immunology & Allergy)Hamilton, OntarioPhD
FRCPC (Pediatric & Adult Allergy and Clinical Immunology)
• Clinical
• Health system services
• Population health
Allergy & Immunology, Dermatology• Allergic disease
• Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
• Urticaria and angioedema
Randomized trials, observational studies, systematic review & (network) meta-analysis, guideline development, Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness
Dr. Cockburn, Katie
Full profile
McGill UniversityBiochemistryMontreal, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalEpidermal stem cell biology• Squamous cell carcinoma
• ichthyosis
Mouse models,
cell biology, molecular biology, intravital imaging
Dr.DeCoste, Ryan
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia HealthPathology and Laboratory MedicineHalifax, Nova ScotiaMD (Anatomical and Dermatopathology)•ClinicalMelanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, Immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology of skin cancer•Merkel cell carcinoma
•Adnexal carcinomas with neuroendocrine differentiation
Histopathological diagnosis, immunohistochemistry, pre-analytical specimen preparation for molecular pathology.
Dr.Drucker, Aaron
Full profile
University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology),
Master's (Clinical and Translational Research)
•Health system services
•Population health
Epidemiology, Evidence-based medicine•Atopic dermatitis
•Skin cancer
Epidemiologic studies using secondary analyses of databases.
Dr. Fish, Joel
(416) 553-3474
Hospital for Sick ChildrenSurgeryToronto, OntarioMD
Master's of Science (Burns and Wound Care)
•ClinicalScars, Patient reported outcomes, Laser therapy, BurnsBurnsClinical research with studies in patient related outcome measure (SCAR Q)
Burn Care Programs with clinical review papers in many areas of burn care
Prof.Fradette, Julie
Full profile
(418) 525-4444
Université LavalDepartment of SurgeryQuebec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalWound repair, tissue engineering, adipose tissue, mesenchymal cell-based therapies, biological dressings.•Radiodermatitis
•Diabetic and normal skin wound models (excisional and incisional)
Tissue engineering (skin, adipose tissue, bone), cell culture, animal models of wound healing and tissue grafting, confocal imaging, histology.
Dr.Gabriel, Vincent
Full profile
(403) 944-5930
University of CalgaryClinical NeurosciencesCalgary, AlbertaMD
Master's (Clinical Sciences)
• Basic biomedical
• Clinical (PM+R)
Wound healing therapeutics, wound healing outcomes, burn related disaster management, medical device designThermal injuries and other complex acute wounds resulting in fibrosisClinical and translational research
Miss.Gauthier, Josianne
Whitehorse General HospitalPharmacyWhitehorse, YukonM.Sc. Pharm.•ClinicalFrostbite•Frostbite
Prof.Germain, Lucie
Full profile
(418) 525-4444
Université LavalDepartment of Surgery and LOEX centerQuebec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedical
Regenerative Medicine, Stem cells, Tissue engineering.•Wound healing
Tissue engineering, Reconstruction of skin tissue, Analysis of stem cells, cell culture, skin substitutes.
Prof. Ghahary, Aziz
(604) 916-2548
University of Alberta and University of British ColumbiaSurgery/ Plastic SurgeryVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD•Basic biomedicalWound Healing, Hypertrophic scaring and Burn• Burn
• Hypertrophic scaring
Primary dermal cell culture, western blot, ELISA, FACS, histology, immunohistochemical techniques
Dr.Gniadecki, Robert
Full profile
University of AlbertaMedicine/DermatologyEdmonton, AlbertaPhD
•Basic biomedical
Cutaneous lymphoma, Psoriasis, Scleroderma, Skin inflammation•Psoriasis,
•Mycosis fungoides
•Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Cell culture, genomics, transcriptomics.
Dr.Gooderham, Melinda
Full profile
(705) 761-7247
Queens UniversityPeterborough, OntarioMD (Dermatology) ,
Master's (Biochemistry)
•ClinicalInflammatory skin diseases•Psoriasis
•Atopic dermatitis
•Hidradenitis suppurativa
•Chronic urticaria
Clinical trials, Phase 1 to 4.
Dr.Granville, David
Full profile
(604) 675-8869
University of British ColumbiaPathology and Laboratory MedicineVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD•Basic biomedicalWound healing, chronic inflammation, inflammatory skin diseases, burn wounds, pruritus, epithelial barrier function, extracellular matrix remodeling, granzymes, matricellular proteins, drug development•Non-healing wounds •Scarring and fibrosis
• Pruritus
• Pressure injuries
• Psoriasis
• Atopic dermatitis
• Radiodermatitis
• Autoimmune blistering disease
•Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis
In vivo disease modeling, primary cell culture, histology, immunohistochemistry, ELISAs, molecular biology
Prof.Häkkinen, Lari
Full profile
University of British ColumbiaFaculty of Dentistry, OBMSVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD, DDS•Basic biomedicalWound healing, oral mucosa, skin, fibroblast subpopulations, extracellular matrix•Scar formationAnimal models of skin and oral mucosal wound healing (mice, large domestic pigs), cell culture models, cell biology, proteomics, molecular biology, histology, immunohistochemistry.
Dr. Hanna, Sameh
(416) 962-0123
University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology)•ClinicalInflammatory and immune mediated skin disease, aesthetic medicine research•Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis
•alopecia areata
•cutaneous lupus
Dr.Hanna, Timothy
Full Profile
Queen’s UniversityOncologyKingston, OntarioPhD
MD (Radiation Oncology)
Master's (Epidemiology)
•Health system servicesAccess to quality cancer care, cancer health services research, health economics•Skin cancerAdministrative data.
Dr.Hassan, Fatma
Full profile
(519) 919-7166
Western UniversityPhysiology and Pharmacology DeptLondon, OntarioPhD•Basic biomedicalRegulation of mechanotransduction by kindlin family protein in epidermal cells•Squamous cell carcinoma
•Kindler syndrome
Handling of epidermal cell culture line, immunofluorescent microscopy, western blot, q-PCR, ELIZA, hands-on various lab animals.
Dr.Hawkins, C Nicole
(639) 998-4860
University of Calgary Division of DermatologyMedicineCalgary, AlbertaMD•ClinicalMedical Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology•Psoriasis
•Atopic Dermatitis
•Cosmetic Dermatology
Prof.Hedtrich, Sarah
Full profile
(604) 822-2466
The University of British ColumbiaPharmaceutical SciencesVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD•Basic biomedicalUnderstanding and tackling inflammatory and genetic skin diseases•inflammatory skin diseases with a focus on atopic dermatitis
•Severe monogenic skin diseases with focus on congenital ichthyosis
Tissue engineering of skin (disease) models, skin absorption testing
organ-on-chip setups.
Dr.Hinz, Boris
Full profile
University of TorontoFaculty of DentistryToronto, OntarioPhD•Basic biomedicalWound healing, Fibrosis, Myofibroblasts, TGF-beta, Stromal cells-inflammatory cells-crosstalk•Hypertrophic scarring
•Physiological healing
Light microscopy imaging Cell Biology, Biomedical engineering, Cell Mechanobiology: AFM-atomic force microscopy, strain devices, micro-patterning, cell contraction analysis, stiff/soft culture substrates.
Dr.Hong, Chih-ho
(604) 585-1110
University of British ColumbiaDermatology and Skin ScienceSurrey, British ColumbiaMD (Dermatology)•ClinicalClinical trials•atopic dermatitis, •psoriasis,
•alopecia areata, •hidradenitis suppurativa,
phase 2/3 clinical trial design
Dr.Jack, Carolyn
Full profile
McGill UniversityDepartment of MedicineMontreal, QuebecPhD, MD (Dermatology)•Basic biomedical
•Health system services
•Population health
Immunology, TH2 Immunity, Allergy•Atopic dermatitisFlow cytometry, confocal imaging, cell and tissue culture, cytokine biochemical assays.
Dr.Jeschke, Marc
Full profile
(416) 480-6703
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of TorontoRoss Tilley Burn CentreToronto, OntarioPhD
MD (Burns)
Master's (Medical Science)
•Basic biomedical
Animal Models, Burns, Cell Biology, Hypermetabolism, Inflammation, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Stress Response, Trauma•Burns
The goal of Dr. Jeschke’s research is to attenuate stress hypermetabolic and catabolic responses, and improve cell regeneration and survival. His team is studying the stress-induced changes in the liver and various other tissues at a cellular and cell organelle level to identify key signalling molecules and pathways that may be altered to improve cell survival and organ function.
Prof. Johnston, Adam Full profile
(902) 277-2646
Dalhousie UniversityMedical NeuroscienceHalifax, Nova ScotiaPhD•Basic biomedicalWound healing, tissue regeneration, stem cells, diabetes•Wound healing
Transgenic mice
Single cell and spatial genomics
Wound healing models
Digit tip regeneration
Dr. Joseph, Marissa
(416) 323-7546
University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioMD, Master's (Community Health)•ClinicalDermatology• Atopic Dermatitis
• Hidradenitis Suppurativa
• Alopecia Areata
Dr.Kirchhof, Mark
Full profile
University of OttawaMedicineOttawa, OntarioPhD
•Health system services
•Population health
•Autoimmune skin diseases (ie Atopic Dermatitis Hidradenitis, Drug Reactions, Psoriasis, Lupus, etc)
•Skin Cancer
Basic science / Immunology bench work Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Case Control Studies.
Dr.Irene Lara-Corrales
(416) 813-7654
Hospital for Sick ChildrenPaediatricsToronto, OntarioMD (Paediatrics)
Master's (Master of Science)
Clinical fellowship Paediatric Dermatology
• ClinicalGenodermatosis, vascular anomalies and inflammatory skin disordersNeurofibromatosis type 1, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, epidermolysis bullosa
Prof.Laurin, Mélanie
Full Profile
(418) 525-4444
CR du CHU de Québec - Université LavalMolecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry, PathologyQuébec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalSkin embryonic development and cancer progression•Basal Cell CarcinomaMolecular biology, Cellular biology, Biochemistry,
Mouse models.
Prof. Leask, Andrew
University of SaskatchewanDentistrySaskatoon, SaskatchewanPhD•Basic biomedicalTranslational research•Scleroderma
Animal models,
tissue culture,
spatial transcriptomics
Dr.Lee, Erika
(416) 340-3131
University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioMD, Master's Degree, Allergy and immunology (MSc Candidate in clinical epidemiology)• Clinical
• Health system services
• Population health
Drug allergy, type 2 skin inflammation, allergy, immunology•Atopic dermatitis
•Severe drug eruptions
Systemic review, decision analysis, health services research
Dr.Lefrançois, Philippe
Full Profile
Lady Davis Institute, McGill University and Jewish General HospitalDermatologyMontréal, QuebecPhD, MD•Basic biomedical
Skin cancer, Cutaneous oncology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Tumor microenvironment, Translational research•Basal Cell Carcinoma (primary research interest)
• Squamous Cell Carcinoma
•Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma
•Side effects from novel cancer agents
Transcriptomics, Genomics, Computational biology/bioinformatics, Mutational analyses, Pathway analyses, Gene expression profiling, Patient-derived cancer samples, Single-cell analyses, Spatial transcriptomics, Spatial proteomics, Targeted sequencing, Molecular biology validation (qPCR, qRT-PCR, cell lines).
Prof. Levell, Nick
Norfolk and Norwich University HospitalDermatologyNorwich, UKMD (Dermatology)
Master's (MBA)
• Clinical
• Health system services
• Population health
Clinical Studies. Health Economics. Skin Cancer Epidemiology. Management Science. History.• Cellulitis
• Melanoma
• Eczema
• Psoriasis
• Vasculitis
Clinical study design
Dr.Litvinov, Ivan
Full profile
(514) 934-1934
McGill UniversityDermatologyMontreal, QuebecPhD, MD•Basic biomedical
•Health system services
•Population health
Skin Cancer•Melanoma
•Cutaneous Lymphomas
•Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Cellular and Molecular Biology experimentation
Epidemiological investigation.
Dr.Logsetty, Sarvesh
Full profile
(204) 787-8682
University of ManitobaSurgeryWinnipeg, ManitobaMD (Burn care)•Clinical
•Health system services
•Population health
Burn care, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, wounds, Traumatic injury, Long-term outcomes, Social determinants of health, equity of access.•Burns
•Hidradenitis Suppurativa
•Necrotizing Fasciitis
Population health, Epidemiology, Administrative Data analysis, Long-term outcomes, clinical trials, systematic reviews.
Prof.Manolson, Morris F
Full profile
(416) 864-8234
University of TorontoFaculty of DentistryToronto, OntarioPhD•Basic biomedicalIon transport, Bone, Osteoclasts, Proton pumps, Ion translocation, V-ATPases•BoneMolecular biology, ion transport, mammalian cell biology, yeast cell biology.
Dr. McCuaig, Catherine
Full profile
(514) 345-4931
University of Montreal, CHU Sainte-JustineDermatology in pediatricsMontreal, QuebecMD ( pediatric dermatology)•Clinicalvascular anomalies including lymphedema, genodermatoses, epidermolysis bullosa, collagenoses, neonateslymphedema, genodermatoses, epidermolysis bullosa, collagenoses including morpheaClinical case reports
Contribution to hemangioma investigator group studies in Redcap
Investigator initiated study in imiquimod
Dr.McGarr, Gregory
Full profile
Health CanadaConsumer and Clinical Radiation Protection BureauOttawa, OntarioPhD•Basic biomedicalheat exposure; burns; non-ionizing radiation exposureheat exposure; burns; non-ionizing radiation exposurebiophysical modeling; integrative human physiology; environmental physiology; exercise physiology; primary human skin cell culture; in vivo skin physiology & pharmacology
Dr. Mendoza-Londono, Roberto
Full profile
(416) 813-7325
The Hospital for Sick Children/University of TorontoPaediatricsToronto, OntarioMD (Medical Genetics), Master's (Human Genetics)•Basic biomedical
•Health system services
Genodermatosis, Connective Tissue Disorders, Ehlers Danlos Syndromes, Skeletal DysplasiasGenodermatosis Medical and Molecular genetics, with particular interest in the incorporation of latest technologies for the diagnosis of rare inherited disorders (Genome Sequencing, RNA sequencing, methylation profile analysis, long read sequencing). I also have clinical expertise in dysmorphology and syndrome identification
Dr.Miller-Monthrope, Yvette

University of TorontoMedicine, Division of DermatologyOakville, OntarioMD (Dermatology (FRCPC), Anatomical Pathology(FRCPC))
Master's (MSc-CH - Health Practioner Teacher Education)
BSc (Mathematics and Statistics)
•ClinicalDiverse Skin TypesPsoriasis, Vitiligo, Scarring Alopecia
Dr.Moulin, Veronique
Full profile
Universite LavalSurgeryQuébec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedical
Tissue engineering, wound healing, cytokines, cell interaction•Burn
•Hypertrophic scar
Cell culture, tissue engineering, biochemistry.
Dr.Mukovozov, Ilya
Full profile
(416) 710-8545
University of British ColumbiaDermatologyVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD, MD (Dermatology)
Master's (Science)
•Basic biomedical
•Population health
•Hidradenitis suppurativa
•Granuloma annulare
•Allergic contact dermatitis
Study design, Statistical analysis, Animal models, animal and human ethics protocols, Cell culture, Molecular biology, Functional cell biology assays (leukocyte migration, adhesion, phagocytosis, ROS production, etc, Flow cytometry, Western Blotting, Confocal microscopy, Health research methodology.
Dr.Mydlarski, P Régine
Full profile
University of CalgaryDivision of Dermatology, Department of MedicineCalgary, AlbertaMD•Basic biomedical
Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering diseases, transplant dermatology and the skin microbiome•Pemphigus
•Basal cell carcinoma
•Squamous cell carcinoma
Molecular and cellular biology, immunology, and advanced imaging techniques (including atomic force microscopy).
Mr.Nason, Eddy
(416) 831-6197
Genome CanadaOttawa, OntarioMaster's ( MPhil Molecular Genomics)•Health system services
Research impact assessmentResearch impact assessment and evaluation
Prof.Nedelec, Bernadette
Full profile
(514) 398-1275
McGill UniversityOccupational TherapyMontreal, QuebecPhD, BSc OT•ClinicalBurn Survivor rehabilitation, evaluation, treatment and outcomes•Hypertrophic scar
•Normal scar
•Normal skin characteristics
Skin evaluation using objective instrumentation (Cutometer, Mexameter, Tewameter, high-frequency ultrasound scanner), Evaluation of scar itch and pain after a burn injury, Rehabilitation Outcome Evaluation
Dr.Nessim, Carolyn
Full profile
(613) 915-0512
The Ottawa Hospital, The Ottawa Hospital Research InstituteSurgeryOttawa, OntarioMD (General Surgery and Surgical Oncology)
Master's (Biomedical Sciences)
•ClinicalSoft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, gastric cancer•Melanoma
•Merkel cell carcinoma
Dr. Netchiporouk, Elena
Full profile
(514) 999-6524
McGill University Health CentreMedicine, Division of DermatologyMontreal, QuebecMD (Dermatology)
Master's (Experimental Medicine)
• Basic biomedical
• Clinical
• Population health
Clinical, epidemiological, translational•immune mediated skin diseases with focus on morphea, scleroderma, urticariaadministrative database research, observational studies, ecological studies, computational genomics
Dr.Ogunyemi, Boluwaji
Full profile
(709) 800-9050
Memorial University of NewfoundlandMedicine (Dermatology)St. John's, Newfoundland and LabradorMD (Dermatology)•Clinical
•Population health
Dermatitis, Occupational Dermatology, Psoriasis, Medical Education, Skin of Color•Dermatitis
Health Claims Submissions, Survey Methods.
Dr.Papp, Kim
Full profile
(519) 579-9535
K Papp Clinical ResearchWaterloo, OntarioPhD, MD (Dermatology),
Master's, BSc (H)
•Atopic dermatitis, Dermatitis
•Alopecia areata, Alopecia
•Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster
•Cutaneous lupus, Discoid lupus
Clinical Trial Design (Phase I through IV), outcome measures, clinical assessments, disease severity measures, interpretation of results, clinical trial forensics, clinical trial logistics
Dr.Pehr, Kevin
Full profile
McGill University, Jewish General Hospital, Lady Davis InstituteDermatologyMontreal, QuebecMD (Lymphoma. Cutaneous adverse reactions. Natural history of disease)•ClinicalLymphoma. Cutaneous adverse reactions. Natural history of disease•It variesMostly clinical/demographic.
Dr.Philip, Anie
Full profile
(514) 889-6108
McGill UniversitySurgeryMontreal, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalCellular communications, Signaling pathways, Cancer, Tissue fibrosis•Wound healing
• Skin cancer
•Squamous cell carcinoma
We use genomic and proteomic approaches using molecular and cell biology techniques including, cell and explant cultures, 3D cultures, organoid cultures, cloning, transfections, PCR, CRISPR, Western bot, and assays for proliferation, migration, invasion, tumorigenicity, stemness, and extracellular matrix production, and immunohistochemistry.
Prof.Piguet, Vincent
Full Profile
University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioPhD
MD (Dermatology)
•Basic biomedical
Dendritic cells, HIV, Microbicides, Vaccination, Inflammatory and Infectious skin diseases, psoriasis•Hidradenitis suppurativa
•Atopic dermatitis
•Pyoderma gangrenosum
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Immunology.
Dr.Poole, Alexander
Whitehorse, YukonMD•ClinicalFrostbite•Frostbite
Dr.Pope, Elena
Full profile
(416) 813-6883
The Hospital for Sick Children and Temerity School of Medicine, TorontoPediatric DermatologyToronto, OntarioMD (Pediatrics/ Pediatric Dermatology),
Master's (clinical pharmacology)
•ClinicalClinical trials, outcome measure development and testing•Epidermolysis bullosa
•Vascular tumors
Clinical trial expertise
Prof.Pouliot, Roxane
Full profile
(418) 525-4444
Université LavalPharmacyQuébec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalSkin, psoriasis, tissue engineering•PsoriasisTissue engineering, cell culture, percutaneous absorption, lipids analyses.
Dr.Purdy, Kerri
(902) 473-7934
Dalhousie UnivMedicineHalifax, Nova ScotiaMD (Medical dermatology)•ClinicalNone yet but soon!•Planning for clinical trials
Prof.Reinhardt, Dieter
Full profile
(514) 398-4243
McGill UniversityDepartment of Anatomy and Cell BiologyMontreal, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalCell-extracellular matrix dynamics in health and disease•Cutis laxa
•Stiff skin syndrome
Extracellular matrix
Connective tissues
Elastic fibers
Dr.Rosen, Cheryl
(416) 603-5952
Toronto Western Hospital, University of TorontoMedicineToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology)•Clinical
•Population health
Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, Photoprotection•Psoriasis
•Cutaneous lupus
Mr. Saad, Ahmed
(438) 341-0452
McGill UniversityMontreal, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalBiomaterials• Biomaterial-skin interactions
Prof.Shah, Girish
Full profile
(418) 525-4444
Université Laval, Faculty of MedicineBMBMP: Biologie moléculaire, biochinmie médicale et pathologieQuébec, QuebecPhD•Basic biomedicalUV-induced nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in mice, Respons to UV-damage at cellular and molecular levels, PARP, cancer therapy•Non-melanoma skin cancers
•Squamous cell carcinoma
SKH-1 hairless mouse model for UVB-induced NMSC; PARP1-knockout SKH1 mouse model to study UVB-induced skin cancer; Cellular responses to UVC or UVB exposure; DNA damage; DNA repair of UV damage by nucleotide excision repair pathway (NER); UV-induced cell death; Prophylatic and therapeutic approach to solar UV-induced skin cancers.
Mrs.Shariatzadeh, Farinaz Jonidi
Full Profile
University of ManitobaBiomedical EngineeringWinnipeg, ManitobaMaster's•Basic biomedicalWound dressing- Infection and scar prevention•Scar formation
Dr.Sibbald, Cathryn
SickKids Hospital, University of TorontoDivision of Dermatology, Department of PediatricsToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology)
Master's (Clinical Epidemiology)
•ClinicalEpidemiology, therapeutics•Alopecia
•Drug reactions
Epidemiology, systematic reviews.
Dr. Tadrous, Mina
Full Profile
(647) 708-1888
University of TorontoLeslie Dan Faculty of PharmacyToronto, OntarioPhD
Master's (PharmD)
• Health system services
• Population health
Knoweldge Synthesis and Pharmacoepdiemiology•psoriasisKnowledge Synthesis, Network meta-analysis, Real-world evidence, Pharmacoepidemiology
Dr.Thombs, Brett
Full Profile
(514) 340-8222
Jewish General Hospital and McGill UniversityPsychiatryMontreal, QuebecPhD•Clinical
•Health system services
Patient engagement, Psychosocial, mental health, rehabilitation, patient-reported outcomes.•Systemic sclerosis, other rheumatic diseaseMental health epidemiology, prevention, clinical trials, health services research, systematic reviews, reporting guidelines, research quality.
Dr.Vender, Ron
Full profile
(905) 517-8119
Dermatrials Research Inc.Hamilton, OntarioMD FRCPC•ClinicalDermatology•PsoriasisPhase 2-3-4 Clinical trials for psoriatic disease via topical, oral, or injectable modes of administration.
Dr.Wright, Frances
(416) 480-4210
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Cancer Care OntarioSurgeryToronto, OntarioMD (Surgical Oncology)
Master's ( Education)
•Health system services
•Population health
Melanoma, Knowledge translation•MelanomaQualitative research.
Dr.Yeung, Jensen
(416) 323-7505
University of TorontoDermatologyToronto, OntarioMD (Dermatology)•Clinical
•Population health
•Atopic Dermatitis
•Skin Cancer
•Inflammatory skin conditions
•Drug induced inflammatory skin conditions
Prof. Zarrine-Afsar, Arash
University of TorontoPrincess Margaret Hospital Cancer CentreToronto, OntarioPhD• Basic biomedical
• Clinical
Utility of rapid lipid profiling for 10-second diagnosis of skin cancer typesMelanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinoma detection using metabolic lipid markersI have a track record of > 20 papers (highest impact factor of 12.8) in the new research field of rapid disease diagnosis with ambient mass spectrometry methods. My research program is focussed on developing enabling sensing technologies based on Mass Spectrometry (MS) to facilitate clinical decision-making at the bedside. The long-term goal is for rapid MS analysis of tissue molecular content to form the core technology in clinical diagnosis devices. In particular, I aim to create a platform for the rapid determination of various tissue pathologies by using disease-specific changes in tissue molecular content revealed with mass spectrometry.

My laboratory has developed pico-second infrared laser mass spectrometry (PIRL-MS), which we are using to conduct 10-second pathology determinations from MS analysis of disease-induced changes in tissue molecular content. We have published one proof-of-principle study “Picosecond infrared laser mass spectrometry identifies a metabolite array for 10-second diagnosis of select skin cancer types: A translational proof of concept study.” This paper suggests > 95% sensitivity and specificity for identification of select skin cancer types using 10-second PIRL-MS analysis.
Ms.Ms. Amy Zeglinski-Spinney
(613) 864-0200
University of OttawaOttawa, OntarioBSc• Basic biomedical
• Clinical
• Population health
DermatologyPsychogenic Purpura
Dr.Zhou, Youwen
Full profile
(604) 875-4747
University of British ColumbiaDermatology and Skin ScienceVancouver, British ColumbiaPhD, MD (Dermatology)•Basic biomedical
Macrophages in the development and treatment of skin diseases•Vitiligo
•Skin cancer
•Alopecia areata
Transcriptomics, Integrated medical informatics, Clinical trials, Computer-assisted drug design, Animal models in dermatotherapeutic development.